A Procedure for Developing Uncertainty-Consistent Vs Profiles from Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion Data

Non-invasive surface wave methods have become a popular alternative to traditional invasive forms of site characterization for inferring a site’s subsurface shear-wave velocity (Vs) structure. The advantage of surface wave methods over traditional forms of site characterization is that measurements made solely at the ground surface can be used routinely and economically to infer the subsurface structure of a site to depths of engineering interest (20-50m), and much greater depths (>1km) in some special cases. However, the quantification and propagation of uncertainties from surface wave measurements into the Vs profiles used in subsequent engineering analyses remains challenging. While this has been the focus of much work in recent years, and while considerable progress has been made, no approach for doing so has been widely accepted, leading analysts to either address the propagation of uncertainties in their own specialized manner or, worse, to ignore these uncertainties entirely. In response, this paper presents an easy-to-implement, effective, and verifiable method for developing uncertainty-consistent Vs profiles from inversion of surface wave dispersion data. We begin by examining four approaches presented in the literature for developing suites of Vs profiles meant to account for uncertainty present in the measured dispersion data.

Vantassel, J. P. & Cox B. R. (2021) A Procedure for Developing Uncertainty-Consistent Vs Profiles from Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion Data. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2021.106622